[MyAppleMenu] Sunday, Feb 8, 2004

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sun Feb 8 21:05:00 EST 2004

MyAppleMenu Newsletter
Sunday, Feb 8, 2004

MyAppleMenu : Top Stories
Building A Digital Magic Kingdom: As Technology And Entertainment Industries Converge, Jobs Finds Himself In A Favorable Position (Benny Evangelista, Matthew Yi, San Francisco Chronicle)
The late Walt Disney built his empire with a mouse. The same can be said about Steve Jobs.

MyAppleMenu : News
Apple's Digital World gains An Audience (Straits Times)

MyAppleMenu : Reviews
Macs Attack fun, Entertainment With Ease (James Coates, Chicago Tribune)
When it comes to having fun with a personal computer, the newest Macs rule the desktop -- and the laptop. Call it the facts of iLife.

1.25GHz iMac (Rik Myslewski, MacAddict)
If you're simply looking for the best home computer money can buy, the 20-inch iMac won't disappoint, although we do recommend getting one that has a 512MB DIMM preinstalled.

Carrara Studio 3 (David Biedny, MacAddict)
Carrara is still not the end-all-and-be-all 3D application for industrial-strength tasks, but for artists who need to break into the universe beyond two dimensions, it provides a fairly straight line between creative ideas and (virtually) tangible results.

CodeWarrior Development Studio 9 (Mary E. Tyler, MacAddict)
CodeWarrior remains a competent application, though the latest version isn't exactly a must-have upgrade.

Dragon Burn 3.1.04 (Niko Coucouvanis, MacAddict)
If you can find a reason to buy Dragon Burn, more power to you -- the app behaved itself for us, and its price is nice too.

Dungeon Siege (John Lee, MacAddict)
Dungeon Siege is a polished gaming experience with easy, streamlined controls and enough addictive action to please anyone.

Ghost Master (Narasu Rebbapragada, MacAddict)
We love Ghost Master for what it is, a light-hearted Amityville twist on the classic Sims game

GoLive CS (Niko Coucouvanis, MacAddict)
Those who've had enough of Dreamweaver's increasingly finicky performance can find enough workarounds -- including changing some of their own work habits -- to warrant jumping ship to GoLive.

Halo: Combat Evolved (Niko Coucouvanis, MacAddict)
Halo is an awesome single-player game, and arguably even better for team and multiplayer games.

Illustrator CS (John Cruise, MacAddict)
Though Illustrator CS offers an abundance of features, several features are conspicuously absent.

Poser 5 (David Biedny, MacAddict)
Poser represents an amazing bargain for the money, is as deep as an ocean, and provides the only way to whip up a crowd of people who don't expect you to feed or pamper them.

ScanFont 4 (Paul Yoon, MacAddict)
ScanFont is useful for automating a good portion of almost any type-design workflow.

Solace 1.04 (Ian sammis, MacAddict)
Solace will bore the pants off young whippersnapper gamers, but if your memories of waging war in turn-based board games are fond ones, you'll want this game.

The Sims Superstar (Cathy Lu, MacAddict)
If you're looking for fresh gameplay, Sims Superstar provides it. But if you prefer comfortable mundanity, skip this one.

MyAppleMenu Reader: World
Making The Facts Fit The Case For War (Richard Goodwin, New York Times)
Presidents and other decision makers usually get the intelligence they want.

Bush's Missing Year (Eric Boehlert, Salon)
In 1972, George W. Bush dropped out of his National Guard service and later lied about it. With the media finally paying attention, will he now come clean?

MyAppleMenu Reader: Life
Loking For Mr. Goodbyte (Laura Boswell, Washington Post)
An ingenue ventures onto the World Wide Web to find the man of her dreams and discovers just how sticky things can get.

A Loss For Words (John Powers, Boston Globe)
Americans may mean what they say, but they can't always summon the language to say what they mean.

The End Of Happy Endings? (Pico Iver, New York Times)
When the believer, in any faith, tells us that the reward for bloody sacrifice is eternal joy, the nonbeliever is often tempted to think that the believer is merely trying to justify the ways of God to man. On earth at least, the end of life is death.

MyAppleMenu SingaporeSurf : News & Opinions
Romancing In Singapore: A Mater Of National Duty And Survival (Peter Edidin, New York Times News Service)
For most people, it's fun to spend February 14 wrapped in a heavily commercialized atmosphere of love and lust. In Singapore, however, romance is a matter of national survival.

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MyAppleMenu is edited by Heng-Cheong Leong. This site is not affiliated with Apple Computer, Inc., or any other companies in any manner. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, Power Macintosh, PowerBook, iMac, iBook, iPod, and eMac are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. All other brands or product names are trademarks of their registered holders. Copyright (C) 1996-2004 Heng-Cheong Leong. All rights reserved.

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