[MyAppleMenu] May 2, 2003
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Fri May 2 21:05:01 EDT 2003
MyAppleMenu Newsletter
Friday, May 2, 2003
MyAppleMenu : Top Stories
No iPods For Some Launch Festivities (MacNN)
An Apple specialist alerted us to delivery problems of iPods to some reseller locations, leaving some resellers without the devices for planned product launch festivities.
MyAppleMenu : News
Apple Not Adverse To Closing Some Apple Stores, Exec Admits (Brad Gibson, The Mac Observer)
The admission is the first indication from Apple that two years since launching its first two stores, the company is already questioning the profitability of some of its 53 locations.
Guy Kawasaki: Lookin For The Next Big Thing (Robin J. Moody, The Business Journal Of Portland)
Is Apple The Next Music Titan? (Robyn Weisman, EcommerceTimes.com)
Yankee Group analyst Ryan Jones said Apple might well develop into a company for which digital media, rather than computer hardware, is the primary focus.
iTunes Service 'Is Watershed' (Jonny Evans, Macworld UK)
The industry now understands that it needs to find tech-savvy partners to work with to harness the Internet as a digital distribution tool.
students Get iPods s Study Aids (BBC News)
A US university has given iPod digital music players to its students to help them with their coursework.
Music Biz Buzzing Over iTunes (Leander Kahney, Wired News)
If the number is correct, it rivals half the number of legal downloads last year from all the competing online services.
Apple To Open Two New Retail Stores May 10th (MacMinute)
Apple will be opening new retail stores in Huntington Station, New York and Bellevue, Washington on Saturday.
Sugared Water Apple Censors Miles Davis (Andrew Orlowski, The Register)
The dismal little online music shop that Steve Jobs opened on Monday has already received its share of lukewarm reviews.
Reader Says Best Buy Selling New iPod (MacNN)
MyAppleMenu : Opinions
Raising iBrowse, Part One: Earth, Meet Safari...! (Andras Puiz, Applelust.com)
Safari has so many important implications that the actual quality of the application (in its first beta incarnation, at least) seem to be almost unimportant.
At Last, World's Best Online Music Store Is Open (Bob LeVitus, Houstin Chronicle)
It's like a dream come true.
What Goes Around Comes Arond (Charles Cooper, CNET News.com)
Apple's not treating folks as prospective criminals stands in sharp contrast to the shock-and-awe campaign undertaken by the Recording Industry Association of America.
Maybe Speed Does Matter (Gene Steinberg, Mac Night Owl)
Apple is between a rock and a hard place when it comes to the 970. It can't refute the rumors if they are, in fact, true. And it can't disclose its real processor roadmap without hurting sales even more.
MyAppleMenu : Reviews
Worms Blast (Karen Halloran, Inside Mac Games)
The single-player features of Worms Blast are extremely unbalanced, limiting its usefulness to the solitary or casual gamer; but hard core Worms fans and people always looking for a new two player challenge will probably get the most out of the title.
Final Cut Express 1.0 (Lisa Brenneis and Jeff Carlson, Macworld)
Learning to use Final Cut Express will take some time and effort, and you'll definitely need to reprogram the editing section of your brain if you're accustomed to working with iMovie. However, if you're looking to step up to professional-level video editing and if you don't require all of Final Cut Pro's advanced capabilities, Final Cut Express will serve you well.
Interface Details: iTunes Vs. Safari (John Gruber, Daring Fireball)
iTunes 4 gets a bunch of little interface details right, details that Safari gets wrong.
MyAppleMenu Tomorrow : News & Opinions
4 Pay Steep Price For Free Music (Jon Healey and P.J. Huffstutter, Los Angeles Times)
Students who ran file-sharing systems will each give the recording industry up to $17,500.
New Software Gauges The Size of Imminent Earthquakes (Kenneth Chang, New York Times)
New computer software can detect the onset of an earthquake and sound a warning before a quake's most destructive shaking arrives, scientists are reporting today.
SuSE 8.2 Approaches Computing Nirvana (Thomas C Greene, The Register)
Some months ago we concluded that SuSE 8.1 had not evolved sufficiently beyond 8.0 to recommend it, but in the case of 8.2 there are more than enough new goodies to keep users happy with their systems for quite some time.
Are Blacklists Killing More Than Spam? (Declan McCullagh, CNET News.com)
On Thursday, participants at a three-day spam summit convened by the Federal Trade Commission sparred over whether such blacklists are legal and whether they do more harm than good. Some speakers warned their use means that legitimate e-mail is often lost or silently discarded--becoming an accidental casualty in the war on spam.
Developers Give OpenBSD To Public (Patrick Gray and Robert Lemos, CNET News.com)
The latest version of the popular OpenBSD operating system was released today, despite the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's (DARPA) withdrawal last month of funding for the group.
IBM Denies Charges Of Unix Theft (Stephen Shankland, CNET News.com)
IBM has denied SCO Group's allegations that it misappropriated Unix trade secrets, but Big Blue isn't giving hints about what its eventual strategy will be for battling the lawsuit.
Linux Luminaries Join Government Effort (Robert Lemos, CNET News.com)
Leaders of several major open-source projects have joined George Washington University's Cyber Security Policy and Research Institute to push for greater government use of the Linux operating system.
Code Red For Open Source? (Stephen Shankland, CNET News.com)
Lines from Unix's source code have been copied into the heart of Linux, sometimes exactly and sometimes in a modified form designed to disguise their origin, SCO Group Chief Executive Darl McBride said Thursday.
MyAppleMenu Reader : World
Blaming The Victim (Lee Feinstein, Salon)
Newt Gingrich came back from the political grave to say the State Department is broken. He should know. He helped break it.
MyAppleMenu Reader : Life
The Matrix (Chris Suellentrop, Slate)
It's Harry Potter with guns.
Their Goal: Conquer (Corie Brown, Los Angeles Times)
Australian winemakers are taking the world by storm. Their strategy is simple: Topple California.
Say No To Nudity (Stuart Jeffries, The Guardian)
You can't open a paper these days without being confronted by hundreds of people stripping off in the name of art. Whatever happened to good old British reserve? In an attempt to restore some decency in these debauched times we invited Guardian readers to pose for our own Spencer Tunick-style artwork on Brighton beach yesterday. The only qualification: at least three layers of clothing.
Ending Up Venerated But Unread Must Be A Book's Worst Fate (Jane Shiling, The Times)
Most people, when they first come into the house and realise that every cupboard is crammed full of books, tend to recoil a bit. What everyone says sooner or later is: ?And have you actually read all these books??
MyAppleMenu SingaporeSurf : News & Opinions
Does Singapore Need A Mega-Minister? (Sunny Goh, Today)
Probation, and not confidence per se, is the more compelling reason for throwing the ministers in the deep end now.
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MyAppleMenu is edited by Heng-Cheong Leong. This site is not affiliated with Apple Computer, Inc., or any other companies in any manner. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, Power Macintosh, PowerBook, iMac, iBook, iPod, and eMac are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. All other brands or product names are trademarks of their registered holders. Copyright © 1996-2003 Heng-Cheong Leong. All rights reserved.
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