[MyAppleMenu] May 1, 2003

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Thu May 1 21:05:00 EDT 2003

MyAppleMenu Newsletter
Thursday, May 1, 2003

MyAppleMenu : News
FairPlay Is Dead, Long Live FairPlay (Vern Seward, The Mac Observer)
"]Apple's FairPlay] appears to be DRM done the right way, achieving the right balance between anti-privacy and fair use issues."

iTunes Service 'sells 275K Tracks' (Macworld UK)
Apple's iTunes Music Service sold an  estimated 275,000 tracks at 99¢ each in its first 18 hours, Billboard reports.

iPod Users Bitter Over Limited 1.3 Software Update (Tony Smith, The Register)
We can understand that hardware differences -- a new processor, say -- would rquire different code, but we can't come up with a plausible reason why the new features can't be coded for older iPods.

Dollar Songs: Bargain Or Rip-Off? (Joanna Glasner, Wired News)
According to academics who've studied the economics of digital music distribution, the cost still seems too high to attract users of peer-to-peer file-trading services.

How To Pay The Piper (The Economist)
As lawsuits fly, a new service offers a simple way to pay for music online.

Apple Wins Raves For E-Music Solution (Guy Dixon, The Globe And Mail)
Apple Computer Corp. has done it yet again, grabbing headlines with a new product set to revolutionize the industry. And in return, all the company got for its efforts was polite applause from Wall Street.

Now Up-To-Date & Contact Gets Address Book Compatibility (MacMinute)
Address Book integration is available as a free standalone sync application for users of Now Up-to-Date & Contact Version 4.1 and higher.

Apple's New Service Beats Illegal Free Sites (Walter S. Mossberg, Wall Street Journal)
With Apple's new music store, honest music consumers finally have a decent alternative to the bootleg services.

Yellow Dog Linux 3.0 Boxes Ships (Peter Cohen, MacCentral)
Terra Soft Solutions has announced that the boxed version of the PowerPC-optimized Linux operating system is now shipping.

iPods Popping Up In Educational Environments (Dennis Sellers, MacCentral)
University of Western Australia has been using the digital devices as viable classroom technologies to supplement existing efforts in computer-mediated learning.

Manufacturers Welcome Apple's iTunes Initiative (Margaret Quan, EE Times)
Digital audio device manufacturers and analysts welcomed Apple Computer Inc's iTunes Music Store online music service as a positive move for what's mostly been a stalled online music industry.

Steve Jobs: 'It's So Cool' (Laura Locke, Time)
"We've now built the first real complete ecosystem for digital music age... We're the only people in the world to do this, so we feel great about it."

MyAppleMenu : Opinions
Apple Isn't Changing The Music World; It's Working With It (Derrick Story, O'Reilly Network)
I think Apple has brought a degree of good Karma to the music scene. But I also think it could be the start of even better Karma.

How Apple Seals The Audio Deal (David Morgenstern, StorageSupersite)
The rise of remote storage in the audio industry, and the detection of some life left in CDs.

Why eMusic Gets it (And Apple Doesn't) (Trammell Hudson)

Apple's New Online Music Service (David Pogue, New York Times)
At this very moment, executives at Pressplay, MusicNet and their ilk are surely sprinting into hastily assembled meetings to discuss how they can mimic Apple's model. But that's all right; Apple will surely find other messy, dysfunctional institutions to reinvent. Do you suppose Mr. Jobs has seen the federal tax code lately?

Considering The Mac Web (John Manzione, MacNETv2)
The Mac Web, in my opinion, should play various roles, but none of these roles should include promoting the ?reality distortion field'.

Musical Fruit (Dave Webb, ITBusiness.ca)
Apple's buck-a-song strategy: one-hit wonder or platinum smash?

iTunes Music Store, A Tryout (Dan Gillmor, San Jose Mercury News)
The main virtue: It doesn't assume from the start that customers are thieves.

The Day The Music Revolution Died (Steve Consilvio, BeHappyandFree)
Apple has put up the cash, lent its credibility, and created a wonderful technology, but the music industry has only allowed access primarily to the junk in the cut-out bins.  And reportedly, the music company gets 65 cents per song.  So who is the real winner here?

Please Don't Forget The Macintosh (Gene Steinberg, Mac Night Owl)
I don't want to be a harbinger of doom and gloom, but I have little doubt Apple's executives are sitting up nights hoping that music will be magic as far as Mac hardware is concerned.

Steve jobs, Music Mogul (Michael S. Malone, ABC News)
Jobs can finally abandon that 3 percent-market-share-in-a-moribund-industry world of Apple Computer and become what he was always suited to be: a classic megalomaniacal music mogul.

New Apple Music Service Hits The Right Note (David Zeiler, Baltimore Sun)
You don't need to be under CEO Steve Jobs' spell to see that this service trumps everything else out there, and is almost sure to be a hit.

What Price Musical Glory? (David Pogue, New York Times)
Now that we can buy music by the individual track, should the price depend on the age or profitability of the recording? If so, why stop there?

MyAppleMenu : Reviews
Keynote 1.0: Create Professional-Quality Presentations (Mierrily Miller and David Rosenlatt, Mac Design)
For the first release of Keynote, it has a strong position at the starting gate. In the race for great presentation tools, Keynote might just be a Triple Crown winner.

WorksWell 2.0.4: Create Vector Illustrations With Data-Driven Features (David Weiss, Mac Home)

New iPod: More Music, Smaller Package (Jon Fortt, San Jose Mercury News)

A Slimmer, Lighter iPod, With Room For More Music (David Pogue, New York Times)
Apple has tinkered with the formula, but the new iPod holds more music for less money and takes up even less pocket space. And it's still the best, and best-looking, music player on the market.

MyAppleMenu : Wintel News
Microsoft's Antitrust Problems Remain Unresolved In Europe (Paul Meller, New York Times)
A senior European antitrust official said today that  Microsoft had yet to resolve concerns about the way it competes in the European software market.

More Wintel News at <http://www.myapplemenu.com/wintel/>

MyAppleMenu Tomorrow : News & Opinions
Making Intelligence A Bit Less Artifical (Lisa Guernsey, New York Times)
Shoppers at some Web stores get unsolicited buying recommendations, ostensibly matching their tastes. It doesn?t always work.

Mozilla Plan Sticks To Basics (Jim Rapoza, eWeek)
Probably the biggest change for most users will be the move away from the all-encompassing browser suite to individual components that can be easily integrated if a user so chooses.

MyAppleMenu Reader : World
'Gay Case' Should Worry Straights Too (Norah Vincent, Los Angeles Times)
The Texas case is only superficially about sodomy. It's really about the right to privacy and the moral standard by which that right should be applied.

MyAppleMenu Reader : Science & Tech
Outbreak: In Epidemics, Is Fear A Good Thing? (Duncan Watts, Slate)
In a world that is growing ever more connected, at an ever faster pace, the distant has become near, and the burdens of others have become our burdens. Under those circumstances, it's OK to be a little afraid?in fact, our fear may be what saves us.

MyAppleMenu Reader : Life
K-Y Jelly, We Hardly Knew Ye (Lynn Harris, Salon)
The venerable lubricant with the kinky associations is getting a brand makeover. But will it be able to maintain market penetration?

For Better Or Worse: Marriage By The Numbers (Benedict Carey, Los Angeles Times)
In defiance of good sense and most love poems, people in long-term relationships do continually (if not always consciously) perform calculations, tallying up the household chores and kid errands, for instance, or estimating the risk of missing the Friday dinner versus the Saturday barbecue. So perhaps it was only a matter of time before the professionals got involved.

Light In The Wilderness (Robert Potts, The Guardian)
Margaret Atwood  grew up partly in Canada's woods, and decided to become a writer while at high school. After international success she became a human rights activist but continued to write, winning the Booker prize. In her new novel, Oryx and Crake, she uses a male narrator to describe a genetically engineered future.

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MyAppleMenu is edited by Heng-Cheong Leong. This site is not affiliated with Apple Computer, Inc., or any other companies in any manner. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, Power Macintosh, PowerBook, iMac, iBook, iPod, and eMac are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. All other brands or product names are trademarks of their registered holders. Copyright &copy; 1996-2003 Heng-Cheong Leong. All rights reserved.

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