[MyAppleMenu] Saturday, Aug 16, 2003

applesurf at myapplemenu.com applesurf at myapplemenu.com
Sat Aug 16 21:05:01 EDT 2003

MyAppleMenu Newsletter
Saturday, Aug 16, 2003

MyAppleMenu : Top Stories
Apple's Playing In The Big Leagues Now (Tom Yager, InfoWorld)
Apple can redefine the standard for quality engineering, cross-product consistency, and commitment to customers. That will rattle not only other technology vendors, but IT as well.

MyAppleMenu : News
Apple Hopes To Boost Mac Sales With Trial Reruns At Best Buy (Robert Mullins, San Jose Business Journal)
Access to a bigger market could boost sales and improve Apple's market share in the personal computer market.

The Trials Of Jobs (Kevin McKean, InfoWorld)
Apple's irrepressible leader tackles his next challenge: converting IT.

Flashlights, Pay Phones Rule In Unplugged NYC (Reuters)
People stumbled through darkened hallways using the screens of their iPod digital music players and Treo computer phones as flashlights.

Drew Lavyne: Mastering Elvis (Bija Gutoff, Apple)
"I haven't been in one music studio that's not Mac-based. It is the life force, like the heart and lungs and brain, of my work -- and it is so for the majority of the music industry."

Apple Releases ChangeIPAddress v1.0 Script (Dennis Sellers, MacCentral)

Mixed Bag Euro Sales For Apple (Jonny Evans, Macworld UK)
IDC says that although Apple's performance was bolstered by strong notebook sales, it was also negatively impacted by weakness in its desktop market.

Apple Looks Outside Its Channel For Enterprise Foothold (Sarah Stokely, ARN)
While Apple is involving existing channel partners in its enterprise push, the vendor is also talking to PC players and systems integrators with expertise in the corporate and government sectors,  Apple marketing director, Arno Lenior, said.

MyAppleMenu : Opinions
Discussion: Recommend Apple, Lose Your Job? (Slashdot)

My Wife Hates My Mac (A.P. Lawrence)
"Oh, yes, little invisible blue circle: the international symbol for Already Read It. How could I forget that?"

iMac Turns 5 Today: Looking Back At Launch, Effect Of iMac (Bryan Chaffin, Mac Observer)
It was five years ago today, on a Saturday, when Apple was reborn.

May The Source Be With You (Robert X. Cringely, PBS)
I am not claiming that every organization should throw out its PCs and replace them with Macs, but the numbers are pretty clear, and the fact that more Macs don't make it into server racks has to be based on something, and I think that something is CIO self-interest. Macs reduce IT head count while Linux probably increases IT head count, simple as that.

iTunes For Windows -- Will It Take Off? (ActiveMac)

Microsoft Stepping Up To The Plate With Goods (Bob LeVitus, Houston Chronicle)
While we Mac users know we don't catch Windows worms and viruses, and that there's an excellent Mac OS X version of Microsoft Office, many Windows users apparently don't.

MyAppleMenu : Reviews
Users Can Save Bundle On New Office Suite (Glenn Fleishman, Seattle Times)
Microsoft took a big leap forward in making its Office v. X suite available to more people at a better price last week.

Integrating QuickTime With Cocoa (Douglas Welton, O'Reilly Network)

Apple's G5: More Than A Pretty Face (Tom Yager, InfoWorld)
It's too early to start heaping praise or finding fault with this machine. It certainly looks great on paper, it demos well, and my brief test drives have me looking forward to giving it a merciless beating.

Apple RAIDs The Enterprise (P.J. Connolly, InfoWorld)
Xserve RAID, with its relative ease of administration, is a sorely-needed item in Apple's enterprise computing portfolio. The Xserve itself is already an extraordinary machine that performs yeoman duty as a highly manageable server, and smart CTOs and IT directors should consider it for their use.

A La Mode: Key Apple Add-Ons (Tom Yager, InfoWorld)
Hardware and software options from Apple and third parties.

Aliens Vs. Predator 2 (Nat Panek, Inside Mac Games)
Anyone who's been awaiting this game's release  for two years is going to pick it up no matter what. However, gamers with no particular interest in the Aliens vs. Predator mythos would be cheating themselves of some unique gameplay experiences if they passed this title over just because it's a little after the fact.

iSport (MacSofa)
If you are looking to jam to some tunes while exercising, this is the case for you.

MyAppleMenu : Wintel News
Patch And Pray (Scott Berinato, CSO)
It's the dirtiest little secret in the software industry: Patching no longer works. And there's nothing you can do about it. Except maybe patch less. Or possibly patch more.

Microsoft Kills Net Address To Foil Worm (Ina Fried, CNET News.com)
As part of its effort to stop the progress of the MSBlast worm, Microsoft is killing off the Windows Update address that the self-propagating program was set to attack.

More Wintel news at <http://www.myapplemenu.com/wintel/>

MyAppleMenu Tomorrow: Top Stories
Internet 1, Blackout 0 (Robert MacMillan, Washington Post)
No refrigeration, no subways, no smooth traffic flow, no air conditioning -- well, at least the Internet worked.

MyAppleMenu Tomorrow: News & Opinions
Why Your ID Is Such Easy Picking (Jane Black, BusinessWeek)
With Social Security numbers so commonly used on insurance and health-care cards, a stolen wallet can easily lead to a much bigger headache.

Blackout Gives Cell Phones A Black Eye (Ben Charny, CNET News.com)
During Thursday's blackout that darkened parts of the Northeast, most cell phone subscribers were unable to make calls when they reached for their handsets. Only the truly persistent were able to get through after the lights went out, the largest U.S. carrier, Verizon Wireless, acknowledged in a statement Friday.

MyAppleMenu Reader: World
Where Have All The Looters Gone? (David Greenberg, Slate)
Why there wasn't more crime during the blackout.

Ladies Of The Club (David Von Drehle, Washington Post)
Women in the U.S. Senate have traveled a path from oddities to insiders.

MyAppleMenu Reader: Science & Tech
Experts Asking Why Problems Spread So Far (Matthew L. Wald, Richard Perez-Pena and Neela Banerjee, New York Times)
As some government officials squabbled over what  went wrong first, experts and energy officials were urgently trying to answer the more serious question of what, in effect, went wrong second -- the inability of the system's computers and human operators over the next few minutes to isolate and limit the trouble.

MyAppleMenu Reader: Life
Dark City (Virginia Heffernan, Slate)
My night in blacked-out New York.

Fiddling With The Reception (Jason Zengerle, New York Times)
Jim Walton, CNN's president, made his mark by dropping Connie Chung. Now he has to figure out what to do with Paula Zahn and, while he's at it, solve his network's continuing identity crisis.

Dog Days (Jonathan Reynolds, New York Times)
Even as it goes haute, the dog remains hot.

Looking Up An Old Love On The Streets Of Vietnam (R. W. Apple Jr, New York Times)
Pho, an aromatic noodle soup, is a national passion in Vietnam. In Hanoi, it is a cult.

A Comatose Transit System Awakens, Slowly (Randy Kennedy, New York Times)
In fits and starts, the region's transportation system began to stagger back to life yesterday, as traffic lights suddenly picked up where they had left off, cabbies switched their meters back on, packed buses substituted for subways and roaring diesel trains rolled to the rescue on powerless commuter lines.

MyAppleMenu SingaporeSurf : News & Opinions
Analysts Expect CPF Cuts, But In Stages (Angela Tan, Business Times)
They see PM Goh spelling out changes at his National Day Rally speech, which may include dropping wage cap for CPF payments further to $4,000.

Lee Says Unemployment Is Singapore's Biggest Problem (Associated Press)
Singapore's founding father said unemployment is the city-state's biggest problem and that the society must adapt or risk stagnating like Hong Kong or Taiwan.

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MyAppleMenu is edited by Heng-Cheong Leong. This site is not affiliated with Apple Computer, Inc., or any other companies in any manner. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, Power Macintosh, PowerBook, iMac, iBook, iPod, and eMac are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. All other brands or product names are trademarks of their registered holders. Copyright (C) 1996-2003 Heng-Cheong Leong. All rights reserved.

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