[MyAppleMenu] Oct 13, 2000

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Fri Oct 13 21:05:02 EDT 2000

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== AppleSurf (Top Stories) ==============

Apple Announces Cube, PowerBook Rebates (MacWEEK.com)
Friday the 13th turned out to be a lucky day for prospective Mac owners as Apple officially announced rebates of $300 on its G4 Cube and $200 on the PowerBook if you purchase one by Dec. 31. The Cube rebate applies if you buy the computer with one of Apple's new displays: the 15- and 22-inch flat panels and 17-inch CRT.

Personal Technology (Washington Post)
"What started out as an open-source style [of programming] was taken over by the marketing people, who realized they were getting press every time a new beta came out."

In Jobs' 'Second Coming', It's All In Who You Believe (MacCentral)
While you might not like Deutschman's account of Jobs, you have to admire his tenacity in getting so many to talk and give what appears to many who know the author, know the sources and know the stories firsthand, as an accurate portrayal of the facts.

== AppleSurf (News) ==============

Apple Launches Rebate Program For Cube, PowerBooks (CNET News.com)
Looking to boost sluggish demand for its PowerMac G4 Cube and spur sales of PowerBook laptops, Apple Computer on Friday kicked off a mail-in rebate program good through the end of the year.

Nisus Writer 6.0 Sports Twenty New Features, More (MacCentral)
A number of new features have been added to Nisus Writer 6.0 -- highlights include a grammar checker, Rich Text Format (RTF) filter, Nisus' own "text analyzer," zoom capability, support for IBM's ViaVoice dictation software, an auto-expanding glossary, support for Mac OS's Navigation Services and Contextual Menus, QuickTime graphics support, and more.

The Case For QuickTime Ubiquity (MacWEEK.com)
WGBH Interactive is working on several paths of "parallel production," fusing streaming video and audio with multi-language captioning, as well as time-synced data. Producers intend to create active viewing experiences with the ulterior motive not merely of entertaining, but of teaching and informing.

Apple Announces Cube, PowerBook Rebates (MacWEEK.com)
Friday the 13th turned out to be a lucky day for prospective Mac owners as Apple officially announced rebates of $300 on its G4 Cube and $200 on the PowerBook if you purchase one by Dec. 31. The Cube rebate applies if you buy the computer with one of Apple's new displays: the 15- and 22-inch flat panels and 17-inch CRT.

Microsoft Expected To Report Sluggish Growth (Bloomberg News)
The world's largest software maker on Wednesday is forecast to report profit of 41 cents a share on revenue of about $5.7 billion for the quarter ended Sept. 30, the average estimate of analysts polled by First Call/Thomson Financial. That's up slightly from profit of $2.19 billion, or 40 cents, on revenue of $5.38 billion a year earlier.

Personal Technology (Washington Post)
"What started out as an open-source style [of programming] was taken over by the marketing people, who realized they were getting press every time a new beta came out."

Apple Cheers On MS At Office Party (ZDNet)
Customers, the press, and a platoon of Microsoft Corp. support staff gathered at the downtown CompUSA outlet here for the official rollout of the Mac-only version of Microsoft's Office 2001, which had been trickling onto store shelves for weeks.

Microsoft Gets Assimilated: Apple's Old Nemesis Is Now One Of Developers (Macworld)
This is not to say that Microsoft is the best developer or has the best products. What I am saying is that the company seems to understand and emulate what drives people to buy a Mac in the first place -- it makes complex tasks simple and simple ones effortless.

== AppleSurf (Opinions) ==============

Tradeoffs For OS X Beta (Low End Mac)
In the end it's a matter of patience, which I don't really have much of. I want to use Mac OS X now, but the price I would have to pay does not make it seem worth it.

X On Intel? What A Stupid Idea! (Applelinks.com)
Now that we've got the OS Geeks want to use, they can damn well go out and buy a Mac just like we did to use it on!

Whine Tasting (MacAddict)
After using OS X continuously for a month, we've run across a small number of issues that are simply maddening. Here are our favorites.

QuickTime 5 In The Making (TechWeb)
It's still early, but it looks like QuickTime 5 will be a lot easier to use than its predecessor.

== AppleSurf (Reviews) ==============

Suitcase 9 (MacAddict)
If you need to manage fonts over a network, Suitcase Server has no real competitors. But if you're using fonts on just one machine, $49.95 is pretty steep for such a minor upgrade.

Microsoft's Apple-Flavored Office (Washington Post)
Microsoft's Office 2001 for the Macintosh--"Office:mac 2001" in marketing-ese--has a lot of sizzle, but its steak is surprisingly good, too. It appears Microsoft's designers have finally taken into consideration the unique attributes of the Macintosh platform when creating their software.

Apple iBook SE (Graphite) (CNET)
Someday far in the future, long after Apple Computer is history, many of its products are likely to merit museum treatment. Case in point: the new iBook Special Edition, with its eye-catching graphite-and-white chassis. But there's more than good looks here. Apple has eliminated some of the shortcomings of the original version and has produced a first-class laptop that is stylish and reasonably affordable.

In Jobs' 'Second Coming', It's All In Who You Believe (MacCentral)
While you might not like Deutschman's account of Jobs, you have to admire his tenacity in getting so many to talk and give what appears to many who know the author, know the sources and know the stories firsthand, as an accurate portrayal of the facts.

== The Wintel Empire (Top Stories) ==============

Government Filing Hints At Microsoft's Linux Plans (CNET News.com)
"Corel is doing a lot of Linux work and we might be interested down the line. In case we ever need to, we have something in our back pocket," said Microsoft spokesman Jim Cullinan. "But we don't exercise (every) option in contracts, so I wouldn't read too much into it."

== The Wintel Empire (News) ==============

Apple Cheers On MS At Office Party (ZDNet)
Customers, the press, and a platoon of Microsoft Corp. support staff gathered at the downtown CompUSA outlet here for the official rollout of the Mac-only version of Microsoft's Office 2001, which had been trickling onto store shelves for weeks.

At Chip Show, It's Open Season On Intel (eWEEK)
Intel Corp. may stand tall as a computer industry leader, but its rivals are taking turns belittling the chip maker this week, at times mocking claims about its products.

Microsoft .Net For Linux? (ZDNet)
An SEC filing says Corel could port .Net to Linux. And -- surprise -- Microsoft was threatening to sue Corel, not vice versa.

Microsoft Fixes Bug In WebTV Software (CNET News.com)
Microsoft has acknowledged and fixed a problem that could let attackers crash some Windows 98 or Windows Me computers from afar.

Intel Chairman: Net Companies Must Become Self-Sufficient (CNET News.com)
Grove, speaking on a panel at Intel's eXchange conference here, told the audience that companies, especially Internet start-ups, are going to have to become financially self-sufficient to survive. Although the technology economy will continue to expand, investors are no longer in a speculative mood and will abandon companies that do not cover their costs.

Microsoft Gets Assimilated: Apple's Old Nemesis Is Now One Of Developers (Macworld)
This is not to say that Microsoft is the best developer or has the best products. What I am saying is that the company seems to understand and emulate what drives people to buy a Mac in the first place -- it makes complex tasks simple and simple ones effortless.

Government Filing Hints At Microsoft's Linux Plans (CNET News.com)
"Corel is doing a lot of Linux work and we might be interested down the line. In case we ever need to, we have something in our back pocket," said Microsoft spokesman Jim Cullinan. "But we don't exercise (every) option in contracts, so I wouldn't read too much into it."

== Breaking Barriers (Top Stories) ==============

Nader: Al Isn't Net's Best Friend (Wired News)
Kicking off the third and final round of a debate between Ralph Nader and Al Gore advisor Reed Hundt, the Green Party candidate questions Gore's commitment to consumers' best Internet interests.

New York Times Gives Up The Ghost On Tracking Stock (Inside)
With the Nasdaq vertically challenged of late, the company loses its enthusiasm for spinning off a digital division. Will the parent company continue to support eight-figure losses?

== Breaking Barriers (News) ==============

In Praise Of Cobalt's Qube (ZDNet)
Cobalt has a nice combination of easy set-up and use matched with decent power for a good price.

Nader: Al Isn't Net's Best Friend (Wired News)
Kicking off the third and final round of a debate between Ralph Nader and Al Gore advisor Reed Hundt, the Green Party candidate questions Gore's commitment to consumers' best Internet interests.

DoubleClick Plunges On Low Sales Expectations (Bloomberg News)
DoubleClick shares fell 31 percent after the Internet-advertising company said that sales will slow during the next six months and its third-quarter loss widened.

Disney, eBay Set To Unveil Auction Site (CNET News.com)
The long-awaited site, which will link to auctions on eBay, will feature items such as Bette Midler's costume from the movie "Hocus Pocus" and a 13-foot-high entrance sign from Disneyland.

New York Times Gives Up The Ghost On Tracking Stock (Inside)
With the Nasdaq vertically challenged of late, the company loses its enthusiasm for spinning off a digital division. Will the parent company continue to support eight-figure losses?

World's Toughest Code Gets Cracked (Reuters)
A team of Swedish computer buffs have fought off thousands of rivals from around the world to crack what was billed as the toughest code challenge ever set.

Microsoft Fixes Bug In WebTV Software (CNET News.com)
Microsoft has acknowledged and fixed a problem that could let attackers crash some Windows 98 or Windows Me computers from afar.

DoubleClick Meets Street But Shares Tumble (Reuters)

Intel Chairman: Net Companies Must Become Self-Sufficient (CNET News.com)
Grove, speaking on a panel at Intel's eXchange conference here, told the audience that companies, especially Internet start-ups, are going to have to become financially self-sufficient to survive. Although the technology economy will continue to expand, investors are no longer in a speculative mood and will abandon companies that do not cover their costs.

== PenguinSurf (Top Stories) ==============

In Praise Of Cobalt's Qube (ZDNet)
Cobalt has a nice combination of easy set-up and use matched with decent power for a good price.

Red Hat Shares Jump On Analyst Upgrade (Bloomberg News)
Red Hat shares rose almost 30 percent Friday after a WR Hambrecht analyst said the Linux software maker's new subscription service is a "huge revenue opportunity."

A Question Of Leadership (Red Hat 7 Lays The Path, But Who Will Follow?)
There's got to be a better way to evolve the Linux world into better technologies than to use development-stage releases in production distributions. I vividly remember the problems that happened last time, and I hope the community will get through this transition with less grief this time around.

Government Filing Hints At Microsoft's Linux Plans (CNET News.com)
"Corel is doing a lot of Linux work and we might be interested down the line. In case we ever need to, we have something in our back pocket," said Microsoft spokesman Jim Cullinan. "But we don't exercise (every) option in contracts, so I wouldn't read too much into it."

== PenguinSurf (News) ==============

In Praise Of Cobalt's Qube (ZDNet)
Cobalt has a nice combination of easy set-up and use matched with decent power for a good price.

Red Hat Shares Jump On Analyst Upgrade (Bloomberg News)
Red Hat shares rose almost 30 percent Friday after a WR Hambrecht analyst said the Linux software maker's new subscription service is a "huge revenue opportunity."

A Question Of Leadership (Red Hat 7 Lays The Path, But Who Will Follow?)
There's got to be a better way to evolve the Linux world into better technologies than to use development-stage releases in production distributions. I vividly remember the problems that happened last time, and I hope the community will get through this transition with less grief this time around.

Government Filing Hints At Microsoft's Linux Plans (CNET News.com)
"Corel is doing a lot of Linux work and we might be interested down the line. In case we ever need to, we have something in our back pocket," said Microsoft spokesman Jim Cullinan. "But we don't exercise (every) option in contracts, so I wouldn't read too much into it."

== SingaporeSurf (News) ==============

PUB To Penalise Firms Which Cause Voltage Dips (Business Times Singapore)
Measures announced by PUB yesterday are aimed at high-voltage electrical installations, or consumers that take electricity supply at 22kV or more. These are usually large factories, high-rise commercial buildings and big hotels.

Plans For Mega Theme Park In The Works (Straits Times)
"If someone says they want to take over Sentosa or want to start up something in Marina South, it can also be discussed."

== SingaporeSurf (Technology) ==============

Pilot Phase Of First Internet HDB Home Launched (Business Times)
With the system, the couple will be able to telecommute from home, access community services online and even make an appointment with their neighbourhood doctor so they can "queue" at home instead of at the clinic.

== SingaporeSurf (Entertainment) ==============

Mega Shows Slated To Boost To Tourism Here (Straits Times)
Miss Saigon and Cirque du Soleil are part of the STB's efforts to promote the country as a place where people Live It Up -- the tagline of its campaign.

MediaCorp, Nera To Roll Out TV For Public Transport (Business Times Singapore)
The programme line-up will include live telecasts from TCS stations, such as programmes on Channel News Asia, and edited snippets of other shows such as sitcoms like Ally McBeal.

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