[Roskilly] roskilly

vaughn at fidnet.com vaughn at fidnet.com
Thu Nov 17 14:01:56 EST 2005

the email says to send my email address:
vaughn at fidnet.com

My name is Diane Elizabeth Vaughn nee Roskilly.  I was born in Stockton,
Kansas in 1961, my fathers name is Charles Larry Roskilly and his father's
name was Glen Roskilly.  
I was amazed to see that the name Roskilly dated back so far.  My father use
to always tell me that there was a bluff in Ireland with Roskilly written in
it, just curious if that was true. I did see a town in Ireland called
Roskilly thought that was neat.  Any more info is appreciated.

Fidelity Communications Webmail - http://webmail.fidnet.com

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