[Retros] Christmas problems from Stuttgarter Zeitung

keilhack at aol.com keilhack at aol.com
Thu Dec 31 06:57:28 EST 2020

Dear chess friends,
here are three new retro problems from the Stuttgarter Zeitung.I hope it will not be a mess as last year concerning paragraphs etc.Ignore the "White to move" mark.
1) Werner Keym, shortest mate? (why?)Q7/ppk5/2P1P3/b1KpP3/8/2P5/8/8 w - - 0 1

2) Werner Keym, shortest mate? (why?)
7R/6kp/4R1P1/4PpKp/7n/8/6P1/8 w - - 0 1

3) Werner Keym/Bernd Schwarzkopf2k5/4K3/8/8/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1

Add 4 chessman. In the resulting position there shall be as much as possible ways to reach the same position after one white and one black move. Which is the position, and how many different moves by White are possible?
Solutions will be published at 15th JanuartyHappy new year! - Harald Keilhack
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