[Retros] "Sherlock Holmes Visits the Chameleon Chess Club" by Bill Murden

andrew buchanan andrew at anselan.com
Fri Oct 13 04:44:20 EDT 2017

Dear retro friends,

Many people love the book "Chess Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes" by Raymond Smullyan, and mourn that there was no real sequel.
Mourn no longer: I have stumbled across another book along the same lines:"Sherlock Holmes Visits the Chameleon Chess Club: Further Adventures in Retrograde Chess Analysis" by Bill Murden, with a forward by Raymond Smullyan. The author has made it available without copyright, and it can be downloaded at:https://archive.org/details/Watsons70AdventuresInRetrogradeChessAnalysis
The author has the same ability to recreate effortless Holmesian dialogue, and the problems are a whimsical mixture of orthodox and fairy themes. Murden is particularly thorough in his logical solutions. The problems are very elementary and definitely "Smullyanesque" and would suit exactly the kind of solver who enjoyed the original.

The book was actually written many years ago, but has only recently been made available electronically by Fred Stahl, a friend of the late author.
All the best,Andrew
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