[Retros] Natch 3.0 beta is out

Paulo Peccin ppeccin at gmail.com
Fri Jul 29 14:15:16 EDT 2016

Its for a problem I invented. Its a "mate in 2" problem that requires retro
analysis, and I want to check if the starting position is really reachable
in a normal valid game. So I don't really know how many moves it would
require to get there. I want to find the minimum number of moves possible.


On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 3:03 PM, Pascal Wassong <pascal.wassong at free.fr>

> Hello,
> thank you for using iNatch and Natch !
> For iNatch, the version 0.7 has been created for 32 bits machines, this
> is a bit outdated.  I suggest using the previous version 0.6.2, which is
> a full java version, independant from 32 bits or 64 bits.  Many users
> (me included) prefer the 0.6.2 version.
> For Natch, you must provide the number of moves.  It is strange to want
> to try Natch on a position without knowing the minimum number of moves
> needed to reach it.  You could test the position while increasing the
> number of moves at each try.
> Best wishes,
> Pascal
> >>>>> "Paulo" == Paulo Peccin <ppeccin at gmail.com> writes:
>   Paulo> Tried to run iNatch, but it does not start in my machine. Java8
>   Paulo> installed.  The logs say:
>   Paulo> !ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2016-07-29 14:45:04.760 !MESSAGE
>   Paulo> Application error !STACK 1 java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no
>   Paulo> swt-win32-3320 or swt-win32 in swt.library.path,
>   Paulo> java.libary.path or the jar file
>   Paulo> Also, can I use Natch to find a solution to a position, but I
>   Paulo> don't know how many moves it would take to get to that
>   Paulo> position?
>   Paulo> Thanks, Paulo
>   Paulo> On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 1:46 PM, Pascal Wassong
>   Paulo> <pascal.wassong at free.fr>
>   Paulo> wrote:
>   >> Hello all,
>   >>
>   >> 19 years after the first version, 7 years after the latest version,
>   >> a new version of Natch is out.  It is version 3.0 beta.  You can
>   >> download it from http://Natch.free.fr .
>   >>
>   >> Previous version already computed the order of some moves.  This
>   >> was used to eliminate position having cycles in it.  For example
>   >> Pa2-a8=N-b6*Pa7 and Pa7xb6.  These move orders found for a position
>   >> are now used when searching for the moves.  For example, if black
>   >> must play Rh8-e8-e3-c3 and white Pe2-e4, the wPe2 won't be allowed
>   >> to move before the black rook arrived at c3.  This improvement
>   >> increase the speed of resolution of many problems, and makes the
>   >> --watch (-k for short) preaty useless.
>   >>
>   >> Many more move orders are also found.
>   >>
>   >> A bug has been corrected, where some solutions where not found.
>   >>
>   >> A bug has been corrected on Mac, which made the program crash when
>   >> the hash-tables where full.  I was surprised to learn about this
>   >> problem so late.
>   >>
>   >> There are also minor changes in the output file and when using the
>   >> visual option.
>   >>
>   >> More details about this new version are available in the NEWS file
>   >> available when you download the beta version.
>   >>
>   >> There were many bugs in the numerous alpha version while developing
>   >> this 3.0 version, which have been found by the testers, mainly
>   >> Michel Caillaud and Thierry Le Gleuher.  Thanks to them and to the
>   >> other testers.
>   >>
>   >> There may still be bugs in this version.  If you find one, don't
>   >> hesitate to send it to me.  The informations needed are: - the
>   >> proof game, being as short as possible, that reproduces the bug; -
>   >> the expected solution; - the number of the position where the bug
>   >> occurs, if needed; - a clear description of what is going wrong.
>   >>
>   >> The precompiled version for windows is a 64 bits version.  I could
>   >> also prepare a 32 bits windows version, if enough people are
>   >> interested.
>   >>
>   >> Happy composing, Pascal
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>   >> Retros at janko.at https://pairlist1.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/retros
>   >>
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