[Retros] Joaquim Crusats - 50 Jubilee Tourney, 2016

Joaquim Crusats joaquimchessproblem at gmail.com
Sun Dec 27 09:20:29 EST 2015

*Problemas *is pleased to announce a formal international chess problem
composing Jubilee Tourney «Joaquim Crusats - 50, 2016». Original Traceable
Move (TM) retro-problems without fairy elements are requested. All the
different TMs (or thematic tries) in a problem must be linked through a
free theme either related to the nature of the move itself or to the
retro-content arising after each TM has been played. Non-thematical TMs
cook the problems. For the definition of TM retro problems and examples see:

a) *The traceability of forward moves in chess composition, *J.
Crusats, *Problemas
*2015, January issue, p. 215.

b) *Traceable moves: some elaborate examples*, J. Crusats, *Problemas *2015,
April issue, p. 233.

c) *QxQ and QxQ+ in a TM 2 problem*, J. Crusats, *Problemas *2015, July
issue, p. 261.

d) *Solutions to problems on page 233*, *Problemas *2015, July issue, p.

You can find all these articles in a single PDF document at:

There is no limit on entries per author and joint compositions are allowed.
Entries including both the diagram and the solution should be sent in PDF
format to the tourney director Mr. Imanol Zurutuza at jc50jub at gmail.com before
July 31, 2016. The director will resubmit all entries in anonymous form to
Joaquim Crusats for judgement.

The preliminary award will be published in the October 2016 issue of *Problemas
*and will be also sent by email to all participants. Compositions which are
not honoured in the award, if any, will not be published. The composers of
the first three top problems in the award will be entitled to receive a
prize in the form of an artistic chess-related painting from the Ukrainian
master painter Nina Omelchuk (see: https://www.facebook.com/niomistletoe).
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