[Retros] Precisions about Checkless Chess tourney
abrobecker at yahoo.com
Sat May 26 04:40:54 EDT 2012
Some precisions about the Checkless Tourney:
* Andrew Buchanan points out there's a discussion about cross checks
here: http://www.chessvariants.org/usualeq.dir/checklss.html
For this competition i will take a programmer's point of view:
"A check is mate, and hence legal, if the only move parrying
the check is a non mating check" (this is recursive and that's
how Checkless chess is implemented in WinChloé).
White to play mates with Qf6-g7# since Kg8xg7 is check without mate.
* Henrik Juel points out a small mistake (check in forward play)
in my redaction of Wolfgang Dittman's problem solution:
"(Les blancs au trait gagneraient par n+1.Cf7+ Rh5 n+2.Cxg3#)"
Change it to: "n+1.Cxg3 ~ n+2.Cf7#"
Happy composing
Alain Brobecker (abrobecker at yahoo.com) |_ _ _ |_
http://abrobecker.free.fr/ |_)(_|(_|| ) of Arm's Tech
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