[Retros] Happy New Year

Olli Heimo olli.heimo at luukku.com
Wed Dec 27 08:13:11 EST 2006

Noam Elkies kirjoitti 24.12.2006 kello 17:57:

>[stipulation should be easy to guess by now]

> (Rb1 Nc3 Bc1 Qg1 Kh1 Bf1 Nf3 Re3 Pa2 Pb2 Pc4 Pd2 Pe4 Pf2 Pg2 Ph2)

Yes,really the answer was more obvious than the stipulation.
I very much agree that those our 5.5 moves SPG:s which we
found about two weeks ago should be recorded for the
computer, not to ourselfes.
But as Hirokaz did it, no matter. That is why
I gave 11 groups to be bettered to retro forum. So far
after 17 hours there has been no answer. My time limit
48 hours is the same elapsed time, which I used without
knowing that improvement is possible.
I very much agree the opinions that one stipulation group
should be finished before starting others.
Happy New Year. Olli

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