Fwd: Re: [Retros] Two little SPG-challenges

CAILLAUDM at aol.com CAILLAUDM at aol.com
Sun Nov 28 08:19:23 EST 2004

Chistoph wrote :

What computer and what programme do you use? Natch (on 2 GHz, Pentium IV)
is still "thinking".

I too was stunned when Mario cooked my problem, not by the fact that the
problem was cooked, but that the cook was produced so quickly "with his
My estimation was that testing this problem would take monthes with actual
programs and actual personal computers. Of course, with some luck, the cooks
can appear at the begining of the resolution, but...
My "retro-analysis" was then the following :
1) either Mario has access to some super-computer in some university or
enterprise; but he mentioned 350 MHz PII in one of his mails, what makes things
still more suprising (I have 3GHz PIV)...
2) either Mario has some surprise in reserve. The fact that he indicates
that his problem A is "computer-generated" gives some hint...(at least that he
has some programming ability...).

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