[Retros] New on the Retro Corner

Peter Fayers fayers at freeuk.com
Thu Sep 4 05:20:29 EDT 2003

Here are more details supplied by John Beasley, librarian of the British
Chess problem Society.

> > Can anyone help Andrey Kornilov (Moscow)?

> > At his request, I have the following questions to ask of you.

> > 1. What are the names of articles -

> > a) by M. Dumic, Problem 1971 (presumably, on AP problems);

Piranski kodeks i njegova pravila o rohadi i e.p. uzimanju. Problem
144-147, December 1971, pp 41-46.

> > b) by W. Keym, Die Schwalbe 1972 (on partial analysis);

Neues von der partiellen Retroanalyse (initial capitals not
guaranteed). February 1972, pp 320-321.

> > c) by G. Adamson, The Problemist 1932 (on incompatible castlings);

"G." Adamson is "H. A." Adamson ("G" regularly becomes "H" on going into
Cyrillic and out again), and this isn't an article, it is an isolated
problem: problem 617 in the Problemist Fairy Supplement (page 100,
solution on page 107). Dawson inserts the comment "(by bad logic)" in the
solution, and I entirely agree.

> > 2. What is the name of a 1907 book on retractors by E. Baird


>it's something like 20th Century Retractor)?

To quote the title page, "The Twentieth Century Retractor, Chess Fantasies,
and Letter Problems."

> > 3. What is the year of the first publication of Dr. Karl Fabel's

>Introduction to Retrograde Analysis?

As a booklet in English, 1973. However, a French translation by A.
Grunenwald had appeared in "Probleme" in March 1971, and there had been a
series of articles in "Fairy Chess Review" from August 1956 onwards. The
1973 booklet occupied 16 pages; the 1971 article in French, 54; the
1956-58 articles, probably 20+, but they are scattered through twelve
issues and I haven't counted in detail.

----- Original Message -----
From: "afretro" <afretro at yandex.ru>
To: <retros at janko.at>
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 5:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Retros] New on the Retro Corner

> Hi everybody,

> Can anyone help Andrey Kornilov (Moscow)?

> At his request, I have the following questions to ask of you.

> 1. What are the names of articles √

> a) by M. Dumic, Problem 1971 (presumably, on AP problems);

> b) by W. Keym, Die Schwalbe 1972 (on partial analysis);

> c) by G. Adamson, The Problemist 1932 (on incompatible castlings);

> 2. What is the name of a 1907 book on retractors by E. Baird (presumably,

it▓s something like 20th Century Retractor)?

> 3. What is the year of the first publication of Dr. Karl Fabel▓s

Introduction to Retrograde Analysis?

> My e-mail address is afretro at yandex.ru.

> Best regard,

> Andrey Frolkin


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