[Retros] New on the Retro Corner

V.Liskovets liskov at im.bas-net.by
Wed Sep 3 19:20:03 EDT 2003

My greetings, Andrey!

Let me supplement G"unter's data.

>> a) by M. Dumic, Problem 1971 (presumably, on AP problems);

M.Dumic'. Piranski Kodeks i niegova pravila o rohadi i e.p. uzimanju.
1971, No 144-147 (s.41-56). (Deutch./Engl. Zusammenfassung.)

>> b) by W. Keym, Die Schwalbe 1972 (on partial analysis);

> "Neues von der partiellen Retroanalyse" (February 1972, vol. XIV, p.


There are two papers in fact:

W.Keym. Neues von der partiellen Retroanalyse. "Schwalbe", 1972, h.13

h.13 or 14?

W.Keym. Konstruktive Kritik am Kodex von Piran. "Schwalbe", 1972, h.16

>> c) by G. Adamson, The Problemist 1932 (on incompatible castlings);

> I don't have Problemist 1932

I think I' had never heard about this paper by Adamson. Does it exist? As
far as
I remember, Dawson published the famous problem of Adamson, 1918, just in

>> 2. What is the name of a 1907 book on retractors by E. Baird (presumably,

it’s something like 20th Century Retractor)?

> The twentieth century retractor, chess fantasies and letter problems :

being a selection of 300 problems,

> enriched with Shakespearean quotations; London 1907

In a catalogue at me, the title is different:

BAIRD, Mrs W. J. [or F. ??] The twentieth century retractor and chess
novelties. Sotheran, London, 1907. 384pp.
(200 retractors, and 100 other problems).

>> 3. What is the year of the first publication of Dr. Karl Fabel’s

Introduction to Retrograde Analysis?

> 1973

Yes, as to the English translation:

K.Fabel. Introduction to Retrograde Analysis. Q-Press, 1973. Kew Gardens,
Surrey, 15 pp.
Translated into English by P. Cohen from:
K. Fabel. Initiation a l'analyse retrograde. "Probleme", 74, March 1971. A
special 54-pages issue.

Valery Liskovets

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