[Retros] Re: GD50JT
Noam Elkies
elkies at math.harvard.edu
Fri Apr 5 12:32:20 EST 2002
> In first issue of Probleemblad 2002 there was a very nice
> and artistic problem by Satoshi Hashimoto :
> (14+15) SPG 19.0
> [4b3/ppp3pp/1nrp1pk1/5p2/1bq5/2P3r1/PP3PPP/RNBQKBNR]
> What can we compose that would be better than that ?
Fortunately for those who would compete in GD50JT, we don't have
to worry about that, because the problem is not eligible: it's
already published.
Meanwhile, we can benefit from seeing what has already been
accomplished with this theme, so as to extend or at least
avoid duplicating that previous work.
For instance, The above problem combines the theme with
a Phoenix promotion, and indeed the geometrical route of
the thematic piece is strategically connected with that Phoenix.
In the SPG-12.0 by the same composer that Gianni recently posted,
the thematic piece is part of a Valladao, and again the three parts
of the Valladao are strategically connected (the long moves of
the route Bc8-h3-c8 and the e.p. capture let Black castle without
moving into or staying in check). Note that in both cases the choice
of Frolkin promotion and of the promotee's route are unique even though
the promotee never captures; forced captures are a much easier mechanism.
Has either of these Hashimoto PG's been proved sound by computer test?
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