[R129 SL] R129LIST Digest, Vol 73, Issue 3

j.kuylaars at kpnplanet.nl j.kuylaars at kpnplanet.nl
Tue Sep 27 17:26:55 EDT 2011

It seems to me to start with a investment from a few box to buy all new fuses and replace them because experience has learned that lead fuses so old have corroded ends and make no contact* or make measurements with a voltmeter and start with measure over de fuses , you may not have voltage over the fuses* is there voltage over them , the fuse make no contact or is broken. Then there should be voltage on every fuse at both ends measured against the chasis negative ground. If there is no voltage while the continue or the switched is on, there should be harness wire problems or defective relays. Then you must investigate what wires are not with power , so I can look at the drawings or mail them to you . Jan
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