[R129 SL] Re: ADS

Jan Kuylaars jan at rian-bv.nl
Thu Jun 30 13:55:16 EDT 2005

Yes,there are two cables on both sides from the car. One in the mentioned right size under the cover,and one lays nearby the fusebox on the left side. The cable's are about 0.5 inches  thick , and come out a rubber between the wheel cabinet and the motor compartment .at the end there is a connector with three holes,and a separated cable with a thick two pole connector.
The thick connector is for the brakepad thickness. In one of the holes is a 5mm thin coaxial cable with a preformed connector plugged.  Pull it out and you see a two pole gold plated pin .that’s the one you need if you will measure the speedsensors .if you see a three pole pin, its for the ads alignment .the cables are on both sides the same with the only difference that the brakepad cable on the left is 4 inches longer.
with complements
Jan Kuylaars
Technical manager

-----Original Message-----
    From: "Lowanover at aol.com"<Lowanover at aol.com>
    Sent: 30-6-05 19:21:53
    To: "jan at rian-bv.nl"<jan at rian-bv.nl>
    Subject: Re: ADS
    Thanks Jan, 
    just wondering...when you say to connect a meter to the cable  in the engine 
    compartment, do you mean to the plug that fits into  the ads control module. 
    ie underneath the black plastic housing where the  diagnostic plug goes in 
    (right side rear of engine compartment)? Or is there  another location? Thanks 

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