[R129 SL] peculiar noise and remedy

Deneal Schilmeister (Portege) deneals at sbcglobal.net
Tue Dec 13 09:59:34 EST 2005

I had a strange occurrence the other morning.  Because of the cold snow and
ice, I had to take my woman to work in the morning.  Her daily driver is a
Z4, which she learned the previous day is NOT a snow car in any way shape or


As I'm driving, about five minutes after leaving the garage, a shrill
high-pitched gurgling noise started emanating from the rear of the car.


At first, I thought it was something on the radio.  Turned of the radio and
the noise remained.


For some reason, I thought it might be a hydraulic anomaly in the top
mechanism. (Hard Top was installed)  But in that cold and icy weather, I
didn't want to risk cycling the top, fearing it might get stuck in the
unlatched position.


So, I decided to cycle the roll bar a few times.  And then the noise stopped
and has not returned.


So I'm posting this as a point of interest.  I'm sure most of you put up
your cars in inclimate weather, but my SL is my only car.

Has anyone has had a similar event?






Deneal Schilmeister

St. Louis - Cincinnati

1997 SL500




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