[R129 SL] Contention on the list, and being a human being

Tom Reynolds r129list@mbcoupes.com
Sat, 01 Feb 2003 17:30:11 -0700

Dear Tamme,
        This list encompasses those who have or want to have R129 Mercedes
cars.  However, we are a list of human beings, and we do not always talk
about cars exclusively.  The measure of a human is oft times measured by
the degree of compassion he or she shows to others less fortunate.  In that
definition, I'm sorry to say, you have failed in your degree of
"human-ness."  If a tragedy occured in another country with which most
listers were not familiar, I'm sure that, given the circumstances, the
misery of that hypothetical individual would be shared with others on the
list, as no one likes to hear bad news about those with whom a common bond
is shared.  
I hope you see my point, even more, I hope you can understand it and agree
with it, but if not, if you at least understand it, you certainly have a
right to believe what you will.  The previous poster used extremely bad
taste and judgment, hence he hastened his own removal.  We are all people
who have the power of thought and reasoning, and I hope that will prevail.
Best regards,
Tom Reynolds
Hereford, AZ

At 01:10 AM 02/02/2003 +0100, Tamme" <tamme@bonetmail.com> wrote:
>What the fuck is this bulshit about???
>Grow up, you idiots....
>This IS!!! a MB list and not a "feel sorry about" list.