[LargeFormat] Hello all

Wilkes, Don LCS:EX Don.Wilkes at gov.bc.ca
Wed Jun 4 11:35:41 EDT 2008

Dave said:

> Somehow the acquisition of a 16x20 will solve this. My wife remains

> unconvinced. I think it is simply a matter of belief

Dave! Long time no see!

Do you think approaching the better half with the theory that 16x20 will
*simplify* things would work? After all, there will be no scanning, and
no enlarging necessary (nor likely possible), so it actually cuts the
equipment down considerably. And there would likely only be one or two
emulsions taking up room in the freezer, too.

I know, I know...it's pretty thin on the logic side, but we haven't got
a whole lot to work with here...

Next time you're in town, I hope there's time for lunch or something --
I'll buy!


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