[LargeFormat] Fixing a bellows.... ( yet again....)

Frank Filippone red735i at earthlink.net
Tue Jul 18 18:56:33 EDT 2006

The 11x14 B+J I am working on has holes in the red  bellows corners.  Otherwise it is in pretty good shape.

Since more or less all the corners need repair, and the bellows is around 30+ inches long, and the bellows has 4 corners, there is a
LOT of bellows to fix, especially if I try one corner at a time.

I remember using a type of tape to run along the bellows corners and fix the bellows pretty efficiently.  It added to the bulk of
the bellow corners ( will not fold as well ) but I do not care.  I need to get these fixed cheap.

( If I stick with the format, I can always get  a new set from England... so in the long run, I have a good fix.)

Does anyone remember trying this solution?  Comments on materials that worked?

Frank Filippone
red735i at earthlink.net 

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