[LargeFormat] 480 Apo Nikkor Cell Spacing Question

Michael Briggs largeformat@f32.net
Mon Jan 26 01:11:23 2004

On 26-Jan-2004 Richard Knoppow wrote:

>  I don't know which type Nikon
> process lenses are. Their general purpose LF lenses are slow
> Tessars.

Nikon process lenses:
Late Apo-Nikkors are dialytes, like the Artars and Apo-Ronars.  I have heard
that earlier ones were Tessars.    The Process-Nikkors have highly convex outer
elements and have four elements in four groups.    I an not sure what the type
name of this design would be.   Is is related to the Metrogon?  The
"Process-Nikkor" is the name of a particularly lens and shouldn't be confused
with the Apo-Nikkor, which is a process lens.   The Apo-Nikkor has narrow
coverage, as Richard explained, while the Process-Nikkor is a wide-coverage
process lens.

Nikon LF lenses:
Nikkor-M are Tessar designs.  Nikkor-W are plasmats.  Nikkor-SW are
wide-coverage designs similar to the Super-Angulon and Grandagon, and would
probably be classified as Biogen descendents.
