[LargeFormat] Re: 5x7 Press Graflex Film Holders...

Ole Tjugen largeformat@f32.net
Tue Jan 6 02:16:55 2004

There were some 13x18cm plate holders with septums on ebay.de recently - I didn't buy them. Maybe nobody else did, either? With the 
metal film adapter septums, I believe 5x7" film can be used in 13x18cm holders. Anyway the two sizes are just as easy to get in Europe - I 
have holders for both.

Ole Tjugen

>>     I am not sure what the story is with the 5x7 Press Graflex. It has a spring back like a Graphic but may not take standard holders. The 
holder you have with the grooves in the sides sounds like a Graflex holder. The metal strip is probaby a spring and makes it a plate holder. 
There were film adaptors available for plate holders but they are as rare as Graflex film holders, probably rarer. However, they can be made 
fairly easily.  When I get home tomorrow morning I will post the address of Alan Broadbent who specializes in repairing and making film 
holders. he may have more information or even holders.
>> Richard Knoppow
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