[LargeFormat] Shooting Gloves (was Re: Holiday Snaps)

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Tue Dec 30 17:26:08 2003

At 09:11 30/12/2003 -0500, David Galway wrote:
>Clive wrote:
> > There was one gleam of brightness in an otherwise dull week, Santa
> > brought  me some new fingerless gloves so I'm all set for some landscape
> > photography.
> >
>A general outdoorsy question for members:
>What do you use to protect your hands from the cold, but also allows
>enough sensitivity for LF manipulations and won't shed lint to boot?
>Fingerless is great, until it gets so cold your fingers start sticking
>to things! (Never dare a Canadian to lick a tripod!)
>I've read that silk gloves are ideal, but I'm having some difficulties
>sourcing them locally.


I did have some ideal gloves for winter outdoor photography but can't for 
the life of me remember where I put 'em at the end of the season a couple 
of years ago. They weren't cheap so are probably stashed somewhere really 
(too) safe. They were bought in a gun shop, again in Norfolk, England. They 
were fingerless tips with a quarter mitten that hinged forwards over your 
fingers when you didn't need the fingertip sensitivity. In addition they 
were waterproof. The hinged quarter mitten part was held back flat on the 
back of the glove using velcro when not being used. The mitten part was 
thick enough to keep your fingertips warm and still retain enough feeling 
to operate controls.

Someone may know the make as they seemed to be well thought out and 
professionally made with a maker's logo.

If I do manage to find mine then I'll let you know. They'll probably turn 
up if I ever move house again......
