[LargeFormat] 300mm/f:4.5 Xenar mounting question --> Compound shutter sizes

philip lambert largeformat@f32.net
Thu Dec 25 06:00:01 2003

> On the other hand your shutter may well be worth a CLA. There is a limited
> number of these, and there will not be more made. Compound shutters are
> usually very reliable, in my opinion they are the best of the old big
> Ole
> Merry Christmas to you all.

I think cleaning Compound shutters is likely to be a more effective way of
restoring them than standing them in a jar full of petrol vapour.   I had a
Compound shutter on an oversize Xenar and it was surprisingly reliable; the
timing of the speeds depends on airflow and a bit of dirt in the wrong place
would need to be removed carefully by an experienced technician.
Is it cold on Xmas Day where you are, Ole?  It's 10.4*Celcius in London, dry
and cloudy-bright.  Pity about the hangover!