[LargeFormat] 300mm/f:4.5 Xenar mounting question --> Compound shutter sizes

Ole Tjugen largeformat@f32.net
Wed Dec 24 11:26:02 2003

>===== Original Message From Michael Briggs <MichaelBriggs@Earthlink.net> 
>On 24-Dec-2003 Ole Tjugen wrote:
>> My lens is in a Compound V/12+5FS shutter, which has a diameter of 12cm or
>> so.
>Compounds were made in sizes III, IV, and V?   What does "12+5FS" mean?

I clipped that information straight off the Schneider site, but it tallies 
with my Compur Repair manual: 
Compounds were made in sizes III, IV and V (or 3, 4, and 5) but with several 
variations of each with different threads, cell spacing, and whatnot. To all 
practical purposes the shutter of my 300mm Xenar is a size 5. Only nerds like 
me and experts like the late Steve Grimes "need" to know the difference.

Two of my other lenses are in Compound #3 shutters. A 360mm/f:5.5 Tele-Xenar 
in a III 7+3, and a 210mm/f:4.5 Xenar in a "normal" #3. I have no idea what 
the specific denomination of this one is, but I will probably find out in a 
few days - now that I've become aware of the question...