[LargeFormat] 300mm/f:4.5 Xenar mounting question

Ole Tjugen largeformat@f32.net
Wed Dec 24 05:38:03 2003

Yes, it should even be easy. 
My main (apart from economical) reason for not buying a lighter 5x7" camera 
than my Technika III is that I need the large lensboard. Most of those 
produced today use smaller lensboards, since they are basically 4x5" cameras 
with bigger backs.

My lens is in a Compound V/12+5FS shutter, which has a diameter of 12cm or so. 
The lens itself has a 82mm filter thread.

Since many 8x10" cameras use the bigger Sinar-type lensboards, this is no 
problem. But mounting it on a lensboard which is actually smaller than the 
shutter is a bit of a problem...

There's a picture of the lens, on my camea, held by yours truly, on f32.net. 
The same picture, only easier to find, is at 
http://foto.no/cgi-bin/bruker/minside.cgi?brukerid=12159 althogh the text 
might be more difficult to understand...


>===== Original Message From "animal" <s.jessurun95@chello.nl> =====
>would i be possible to  mount a 300mm/f:4.5 Xenar
>in a Sinar lens board?
>Seasons greetings
>simon jessurun
>LargeFormat mailing list