[LargeFormat] assignment: Portrait

LNphoto largeformat@f32.net
Mon Dec 1 23:42:09 2003

On Monday, December 1, 2003, at 07:45  PM, Clive Warren wrote:

> At 15:18 01/12/2003 -0500, LNphoto wrote:
>> here's a "portrait" of a pair of SLRs.
>> http:home.twmi.rr.com/lnphoto/pairofslrs.jpg
>> Okay it's not really a "portrait' but things were slow and I thought 
>> I'd give Clive a chance to turn green with envy.
>> :-)
> Les,
> Kryptonite ;-)
> I have been very tempted by those 5x7 point and shoot cameras...... 
> Look forward to seeing some shots when you get the thing wound up.
> Cheers,
>            Clive

Considering what Richard told us about a reporter getting killed while 
photographing a car race, I probably should take the 5x7 Speed when I 
want photograph my daughter sledding this winter eh?
