[LargeFormat] assignment: Portrait

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Mon Dec 1 19:46:11 2003

At 15:18 01/12/2003 -0500, LNphoto wrote:
>here's a "portrait" of a pair of SLRs.
>Okay it's not really a "portrait' but things were slow and I thought I'd 
>give Clive a chance to turn green with envy.


Kryptonite ;-)

I have been very tempted by those 5x7 point and shoot cameras...... Look 
forward to seeing some shots when you get the thing wound up. I had a lot 
of fun with the 4x5 version until the weather closed in.

Seems as though you'll have to invest in some shoe polish to finish it off.,

What is the lens?
