[LargeFormat] Winter gloom?

Jim Hemenway largeformat@f32.net
Sun Nov 23 14:19:00 2003

1/15th at f45 on 11x14 Ektachrome 100 using my 360mm f6.8 Symmar-S today 
in Boston.... basically Sunny 16 (+ or -).  43F at 10 AM, 51 now.

philip lambert wrote:
> When I was working for a concrete company in the Middle East I bought a zoom
> lens for my camera and the roadtest said best definition was obtained at f8
> so I took most of my pictures at f8 on 100  film and the shutter speed
> typically was 1/2000.  Today with my Symmar at f16 my Gossen meter suggested
> I open the shutter, go and put the kettle on and close the shutter on the
> way back..  Definitely a monochrome day.  Colour saturation - what was that?
> Philip
>>a civilized world, closed and boarded up for the Lord's day of rest.
>>Unremitting gloom. It was a relief to find myself in Africa and then The
>>Middle East.  At least it was sunny on Friday.

Jim - http://www.hemenway.com