[LargeFormat] Shutter Release Cables

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Sat Oct 25 07:46:57 2003

At 23:29 24/10/2003 -0700, Alan Davenport wrote:

>>The problem for most cable releases used on self cocking shutters is that 
>>they require more effort to fire and tend to cause compression on the 
>>inner cable of the release. The result is that the shutter will not fire 
>>after you have used the cable release a few times .The problem becomes 
>>more evident with any cable over 6" long.  I have a number of  10 inch 
>>"pro" cable releases that will not fire Alphax and Betax #4 and #5 self 
>>cocking shutters!
>Clive, I have a 40" cable on my Alphax, which has been working famously 
>for quite a while (more than what I'd call "a few" times.)  It does have 
>quite a long throw, and a nice sculpted shape so your thumb can push 
>against two fingers...


That sounds ideal for studio work. Do you know which brand/model it is and 
if they are available anywhere?
