[LargeFormat] cost of scanning question

Alan Davenport largeformat@f32.net
Wed Oct 15 02:15:16 2003

At 11:35 AM 10/14/2003, you wrote:
>When you've got that kind of capital investment on the line, and a
>4x5 scan that's going to take up a relatively large amount of its
>scanning time

You're absolutely right:  with the investment a lab has in a pro
quality scanner, there is no question that they need to charge
what they do.  Still, my definition of "nice" revolved mostly
around things like being able to scan 4x5 at all, and still be
affordable without busting a marriage.  That kind of thing.
I did the whole darkroom thing for many years with 35mm and MF
films, and decided there was no way I was going to get into
large format until I could afford a scanner that would let me
work digitally after the exposure.  I found the scanner in the
Epson 2450.  Now I have a local lab process my trannies and I
take it from there; when I need prints that exceed the size of
my own equipment, it's back to the lab with a CD and through
their Durst Lambda.  Color me happy.