[LargeFormat] An 11x14 Ektachrome shot with rear half of a Protar VII con...

Brock Nanson largeformat@f32.net
Tue Oct 14 16:56:52 2003

>In a message dated 10/14/2003 2:13:12 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
>Jim@hemenway.com writes:
>> Real men don't bother much with a 4x5 camera!
>Well let me check............yes as far as I can tell I'm still a man. 
>Although comparied to your 11x14 my package is very small. 


I've been fortunate enough to receive several offers via email to correct 
this embarassing problem.  Apparently, there is a patch available which 
will add 5" to your equipment.  So, I guess that means if you stick it to 
your bellows, you'll go from a 4x5 to a 4x10... they don't say if both 
dimensions are increased or not, so that would be a conservative estimate.  
If everything is proportional, then I guess you'd go from 4x5 to 8x10.

Of course, it you're in England and have a 5x4, you'd end up with a 5x9.

Let me know if you'd like me to forward any of these advertisers your way.
Brock Nanson
Kamloops BC Canada