[LargeFormat] Money With Menaces

Jim Brick largeformat@f32.net
Sat Sep 6 12:36:04 2003

At 10:38 PM 9/5/2003 -0400, LNphoto wrote:

>Today I spent 5 hours shooting 20 shots--30 sheets of film.  My cost for 
>film and processing: $150 (I know this will look cheap to Uncle Dick)  My 
>point is the same 20 shots could have been done on 3 rolls of 120 with my 
>Hassy for less than $25, taken half the time, and without any loss in 
>image quality.

I recently acquired a used Sinar Zoom 2 back for my 4x5. I allows me to use 
120/220 film and make a mixture of 645, 6x6, 6x7, 6x9, and 6x12 images on 
each roll. I got this because it I shoot landscapes and frequently crop for 
a panorama view. Why waste the top and bottom of 4x5 film. Plus, roll film 
is much cheaper. Since I have my own lab, processing is no problem except, 
but I can process way more 120/220 film in one batch than I can sheet film. 
It won't stop me from using sheet film, I'll just use it less.
