[LargeFormat] Joy Abounding

Brock Nanson largeformat@f32.net
Fri Sep 5 01:24:49 2003

>> Really no kidding they expose grass seeds with a slide and the grass  
>> forms
>> an image.Read about it this week i think and will try to find a link
>> tomorrow.
>> simon j
> http://www.cnn.com/2003/TRAVEL/DESTINATIONS/08/21/ 
> offbeat.wkd.grass.art.ap/index.html
> I planted this last week here, but nothing really grew from it...
> Les 

I saw the link but didn't have the chance to follow it until now.  Very 
interesting, and uplifting to think that those painful neighbours - you 
know the ones... who mow their lawn every second day - might have to be 
less judgmental if we could only work out a way to project our LF 
negatives onto our yards.  We wouldn't want to deface art with a 
lawnmower, surely...

Can you fit a slide projector with a grow-light bulb??