[LargeFormat] A Ban on Whaling - Thread Closed

f32 Large Format List Admin largeformat@f32.net
Tue Jul 22 23:02:03 2003

At 6:57 pm -0700 22/7/03, john frost wrote:
>me too
>john (:>))) mossy bottom in Seattle
>vernak@wvi.com wrote:
>>Now there's an idea! How about an off-list list of thick skinned 
>>folk who love
>>Uncle Dick's humor? Count me in on that!
>>>Dear Uncle,
>>>You can send it to me off list.  I can't wait to see what you have
>>>developed (pun intended) ;>

It always amuses me that off-topic traffic stimulates a lot of people 
to post to the list - even when they don't like the topic :-)

It is my boring duty to crack the whip, clean up the broken glass, 
right all the bar stools and steer us back on topic.

There are over 250 people who have not joined in who are receiving 
all these posts and there is very little large format content.

We are also one member down.

Thread closed ladies and gentlemen, we've had our fun - back to the programme.

Points noted about an off-topic list - will look into the 
possibilities and report back.

Yours, as ever,
                LargeFormat Admin