[LargeFormat] A Ban on Whaling

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Mon Jul 21 20:28:10 2003

At 07:14 22/07/2003 +0800, rstein wrote:
>Dear Friends,
>      I'm afraid I am reponsible for the current mild undercurrent of
>ill-feeling. I'm so proud....
>      NO NO NO. I really meant to say, I'm sorry. This wasn't a Guild matter

I haven't read all of the thread but I think we all need to get together 
for a pint or three. Could be an entertaining evening :-)

Someone mentioned jest fest - well this is exactly what it was and all part 
of the fun of the list.

On a slightly related subject, thanks for all of the useful tips and offers 
on travel to the US - I have been trying to sort the logistics for taking 
the role of cultural ambassador. It is looking unlikely that I will make it 
over in the next couple of months. The usual pressures of running a company 
- trying to grab some personal time is a challenge for the first four years 
so they say.....

The idea of heading up the coast road from LA to SF was really getting me 
going there for a while. It was about 12 years ago that I picked up an old 
Mercury in SF and cruised down the other way. Incredible scenery and plenty 
of photo opportunities along the way.

Talking of cruising and roads, I had a great photo in mind on the last road 
trip and travelled the length of what remains of Highway 61 in the South 
West together with a lot of 4x5 film. Some vandals had resurfaced the whole 
length of it - the decades of tar painted repairs have gone forever along 
with the photo......

Karl - I ended up pretty close to you on that trip but on a weekend in your 
neck of the woods and only had your work number. Maybe next time.....