[LargeFormat] BW 4x5 processing

Dan Kalish largeformat@f32.net
Fri Jul 18 22:28:31 2003

Here's a plug for a film supplier in the States.  I've been happy with 
them; about two weeks ago I ordered some Plus-X and they shipped it right 
to me.



>Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 10:14:24 -0400
>To: largeformat@f32.net
>From: "Joseph O'Neil" <joneil@multiboard.com>
>Subject: Re: [LargeFormat] BW 4x5 processing
>Reply-To: largeformat@f32.net
> >The owner of Photo Central, Dick Toews, knows LF and is in fact mounting a
> >lens onto an old lensboard for me this week. He is also quite a
> >Leica-phile and knows knows Hasselblad/Mamiya/Pentax MF stuff inside out.
>          If I didn't live aobut a 1,000 kms away, I would drive up there
>for a visit. :)
>          Seriously, do they have a web site that you know of?  I am going
>to need to order some more Tri-X soon.  :(