[LargeFormat] Jobo Drains

Stan McQueen largeformat@f32.net
Wed Jul 16 13:34:01 2003

At 08:59 PM 7/15/2003, you wrote:
>You SUCK it out using a siphon.  If you tilt it, you stand the possibility
>of breaking it....
>Use a piece of garden hose.....or 1/2 inch plastic tubing available at the
>local hardware store....

Yeah, I've done that--used a siphon, that is, not broken it--but then you 
still have to tilt it to get out the water that the siphon won't get. I was 
thinking that a drain could help resolve that problem. Maybe a siphon is 
the best bet, though.


Photography by Stan McQueen