[LargeFormat] BIgger I say! BIGGER!!

Les Newcomer largeformat@f32.net
Wed Jun 18 23:50:45 2003

On Wednesday, June 18, 2003, at 10:15  PM, Verna Knapp wrote:

>  It is not certain yet. However, I own a Durst enlarger that can 
> handle 10x10 and has a color head and a vacuum easel and pin 
> registration.  I really have not decided what to do about this 
> machine. If somebody should be interested in this, and able and 
> willing to drive to Oregon...
> Verna

CLIVE ARE YOU THERE???? THIS is your opportunity!!!  The head goes in 
the over head bin (just not YOUR overhead bin, heh heh) the base goes 
under the seat, and they just strap the mast on to one of the wings.  
As long as you break it up into small pieces it won't be over weight!.