[LargeFormat] Toho FC45X

philip lambert largeformat@f32.net
Mon Jun 2 12:25:29 2003

Thanks Peter.  I shall look for a good used Toho.  There seems to be a lot
of cheap used monorails on Ebay..co.uk e.g. Cambo and Sinar but they all
weigh a lot (I had a couple).  These days I need to avoid weightlifting.  I
reckon with a 5x4 you could manage with just 4 lenses (240or
300mm/180/135/65). Of course if you use a rollfilm back it might be 47 or
58mm/90/135/180 or 203mm.  I find that with the rollfilm back I don't often
need longer than 180mm i.e. about the double the standard .focal length.  I
am full of admiration for those on this list who can still carry 11x14inch
outfits.My grandfather made frenchpolished furniture but I prefer less
fragile finishes on cameras. On the other hand the old Tropical Sandersons
were hardwood and withstood a lot of use.Maybe that was varnish not french
polish. PL

To: <largeformat@f32.net>
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2003 4:40 PM
Subject: [LargeFormat] Toho FC45X
> get an eccentric lens board for it.  I don't have one, as the shortest
> lens I use is a 110.  I use a 300 Fuji C lens with the camera all the
I'm very happy with the camera for backpacking use.  In fact it's my
standard camera for all
> location work.  I use it with a 1227 Gitzo carbon fiber tripod.  My
> whole kit with 3 lenses and readyload carrier weighs less than my 35mm
> kit, and I don't have any of the 35mm monster lenses.
> -Peter