[LargeFormat] 8x10 Cameras - Kodak Master Camera

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Mon Jun 2 05:30:40 2003

At 11:00 pm -0400 1/6/03, Jim Hemenway wrote:
>Hello Clive:
>The most useful statement that I can make about all that you write
>below, is that the camera seemed just a little strange to work with at
>first, but that I got used to it quickly.
>Due to my 11x14 activities I haven't used it for several months, but I
>don't remember any real difficulties with focus corrections or with
>front parts moving inadvertently.  No more than what I experience with
>the big Korona, maybe a little less with the KMC.
>Are you up early over there in the Old Country?  It's 11PM here and I'm
>about to hit the sack.

Jim, thanks for the feedback. Well that's the best test of any camera 
- if it works without any frustrating features and allows you 
concentrate on making the photo. Will keep my eyes open but as you 
may have guessed, I'm rather fond of the furniture approach to large 
format cameras :-)

No rest for the wicked here - up working 'til the early hours most mornings.
