[LargeFormat] 8x10 Cameras - Kodak Master Camera

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Sun Jun 1 20:36:07 2003

At 3:25 pm -0400 1/6/03, Jim Hemenway wrote:
>I should have mentioned earlier that it was Tim who suggested the Kodak
>Master Camera to me.  I'm glad that I followed his advice for when I run
>out of chrome stock for the 11x14, it's the 8x10 KMC that I'll return


The KMC is indeed an interesting camera - thanks for the URL. In the 
review, Sean Yates stated that "front focus, swing and shift are all 
locked by one knob". How do you find this in practice?

Intuitively it seems that this may make the camera a little difficult 
to set up. Do you find yourself correcting or checking the focus 
after making front swings or shifts as the front standard moves 
slightly on the bed? Also it seems that shifting or swinging the 
front standard whilst looking at the ground glass may be a little 
difficult if the front standard inadvertently moves forwards or 
backwards at the same time.
