[LargeFormat] Nephew Huib's Travel Agency

rstein largeformat@f32.net
Sun May 11 09:06:12 2003

Dear Huib,

    I think you have made a splendid suggestion, and if there is one thing
that my studio runs on, it is splendid suggestions. I used to make
proposals, then propositions, then promises. Very few of them produced a
result. Now I just try hints. Still no reactions but at least it is more

    I have made arrangements with the Dutch firm of Waterideath N.V. to
supply a WWII ex-army DUKW for transport for all the photographers who wish
to visit. You are to gather at Pier 4, Rotterdam on November 5th 2003 to
commence your journey to Australia. Please remember to bring a sleeping bag,
toothbrush, and signed will. I am sorry that the projected voyage will lead
you through 4 tropical storm zones during the height of the monsoon and
cyclone season, but it was either this or an itinerary that stopped at every
plague port from Harwich to Palembang. You will be able to post letters from
several stops on the way or drop them into a bottle whenever you feel like

    The question of a scanner has been raised with the technical support
staff. She asked a number of questions to assess my computer literacy and
has assigned me to Stegasaurus 2 level. I think I impressed her when I
lashed my tail and roared. Nevertheless she and her sweetheart have promised
to take me to a computer shop and purchase a scanner so that I can finally
put things onto the computer from the photo collection. Whther this will be
a wonderful site with advertising and self promotion or just the odd spangly
confection sent to the list is yet to be determined. If Nephew Warren will
tell me what to do and bear with me when I do it wrong, perhaps it could go
through the large format list.

    Uncle Dick