[LargeFormat] 11x14 chromes

Tim Atherton largeformat@f32.net
Mon Apr 7 20:28:30 2003

> Clive:
> Thanks!
> You have no idea, no conception of how cold my fingers were. I don't
> think that I'll do it again next year.
> How Tim Atherton manages up there in Yellowknife, I'll never understand.

Neither do I!

Brand new Phillips 8x10 almost on it's way to replace the Dorff (once the
Dorff sale of ebay pays up)... less fiddly knobs (as well 50% when you take
the camera/tripod/head combination into consideration.

Jim,  the city one is really nice - have you seen Joel Sternfelds lovely
little book "Walking the High Line" in NY?

But - do you sometimes do what I do? You've lugged out the camera, frozen
your but off, set it all up, but.... the light just isn't that great? But
what the heck, I'm taking the damn picture anyway!
