[LargeFormat] re tripods

rstein largeformat@f32.net
Thu Mar 13 09:26:13 2003

Dear Nephew Philip and Nephew Staurt,

     Uncle Dick does indeed live in Perth, along with a million other
people. This makes it a very large country town. If you doubt this just tell
a scandalous tale about someone and see how fast it gets back to you. We
also have  a wide scope to practise bush dentistry here - many of my
patients have walked out of the surgery with broken bits reattached via
floss, plastic, and in one memorable case fuse wire. It might cause the
American Dental Association to have fits but they aren't hammering together
drunks at midnight.

    The tripod is fixable with wooden legs and crutch tips. ANYTHING is
fixable with wooden legs and crutch tips. This is also a very popular remedy
in the sex therapy line, not to mention fuse wire and plastic.

    Uncle Dick