[LargeFormat] Super Chromega F Dichroic II - Kamm chassis

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Mon Mar 3 11:38:03 2003

At 09:01 02/03/2003 +0800, rstein wrote:
>Dear Clive,
>      It is impossible to clean your own house. Oh, you can clean it on the
>surface, but you cannot clean it out. This CAN be done by your friends or
>your enemies - the friends do a more destructive job - and it is a good test
>of your character to let them do it.
>     Show the team leader a picture of a 1980 Redbook minimalist design
>feature. Suggest that you would like the same look but not so cluttered -
>light fittings are optional. Leave a book of signed cheques for the binmen
>and the the local off license and.........
>     Uncle Dick

Dear Uncle Dick,

Thank you for the advice - it would probably work if I could be persuaded 
to leave the house in charge of people who think that a large Durst usually 
comes with chips, and that a De Vere is a sleeping carriage on the Orient 

I know it will be painful, but I have a plan to fill one room with "stuff" 
and lock it - leaving the rest of the house open to be skip cleared.

Anyone want a Ferrograph reel to reel tape recorder condition 
uncertain?  etc etc

BTW it just got a lot worse as someone has just dropped off another 4x5 
enlarger.......... time for a few EBay auctions perhaps or a B&W darkroom 
workshop in the converted garage... hmmmm.......
