[LargeFormat] Super Chromega F Dichroic II - Kamm chassis

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Sat Mar 1 06:36:01 2003

At 09:34 28/02/2003 -0800, Les Newcomer wrote:
>shelving, but noooooo.... the shelving posts put so much weight in one 
>place, the concrete gave way.  So you know you have enough stuff when your 
>industrial shelves punch a hole in you floor.
>I hope Clive isn't heading in this direction, or at least he turns around 
>before he gets too deep.


The warning bells are ringing and whenever the word "stuff" is used I know 
I'm in trouble. Visitors to my museum - I mean house - sometimes suggest 
that I should consider a skip. Probably the same word in the US and rest of 
the world, but just in case it isn't, this does not mean a hop and a skip 
for joy that someone has seen the value in old stuff that is no longer in 
general use. Rather it means a rubbish disposal device delivered by a truck 
to your house that allows all your neighbours to dispose of their stuff 
whilst you deliberate on what you can possibly bear to throw away - Durst 
enlargers, presses, etc etc.

I am in the process of clearing a garage that is being carried out with a 
friend who understands the real value of stuff a lot better than his wife, 
who cleared out his house and garages for him just before they got married. 
The thought of that exercise still makes us both shudder :-) She has 
offered to help me - runs for the hills.........
