[LargeFormat] Schneider Vintage Lens Data (Was Re: Schneider 58mm S.Angulon)

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Sun Feb 16 21:10:02 2003

At 18:10 14/02/2003 -0800, john frost wrote:
>You may want the vintage lens stuff at:
>which I cannot find listed anywhere, so KEEP THIS BOOKMARK. I gets harder 
>to find evertime I look in my bookmark folder. Actually, I had to look for 
>a previous post to find it this time !!
>john (:>))


Thanks, that's a very useful URL - will add it to the f32.net links page 
when I get the chance. Since Schneider redesigned their web site finding 
any of the old pages is a bit of a battle.
